A new location should be taken into account by businesspeople or HNIs who want to relocate to Europe. The Malta Residency Visa Program assists businesspeople and investors in relocating to Malta with their families. It has long been a favorite of foreign investors to invest in Malta, a stunning nation close to Italy. Investors who participate in this program are granted permanent residency in Malta along with a number of resident advantages for themselves and their families. Euro Link Consultancy is your go-to partner to settle in Malta thanks to our demonstrated competence in assisting HNIs with their residency needs.
✔ Set up permanent residence with your family in Malta.
✔ Every six months, remain in Europe for three months with your dependents.
✔ Gain access to benefits $ for health and education
✔ Income earned outside of Malta is not INK VISA
✔ Obtain a good standard of living.
✔ gain tax advantages after you become a resident. ERVICES
✔ Create a company that boosts the local economy.
The leading provider of investor visas and permanent residency is EURO LINK. At every level of your immigration process, our team has the knowledge and experience to guide you toward the best course of action. Our assistance includes: